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General barrel-mixing synergist GY-Tmax


GY-Tmax is special synergist special for pesticide, madeof natural plant oil based on the synergistic effect of pesticide and synergistand developed with advanced production process, and it has obvious synergismfor most herbicide, pesticide and fungicide.

The synergist can realize 15%-30% synergism as per therecommended dosage, especially remarkable in the synergism of corn herbicide,reduce the effective constituent dosage per pesticide unit area by more than1/3, save the pesticide application water and reduce the water adding amountfrom the original 15-30kg to 7-10kg per mu during pesticide application.

The product is not restricted by the environmentalconditions and has the equivalent synergism under drought or high temperatureconditions without generating chemical injury.


Appearance(25)Yellowto brownish red transparent liquid
pH(1% water solution)7.09.0

Synergistic mechanisms:

GY-Tmax canimprove the wetting and penetration performance of chemical liquor as well asthe coverage rate of pesticide, enhance the adhesion firmness of fog droplet,has obvious activation effect for the applied pesticide, enable the pesticideto enter the target quickly, transfer and position on the target cell and playthe killing effect.

Applicationtechnology and method:

The synergist isused in barrel-mixing mode, generally added into the spray liquid as per0.3%-0.5% of the spray amount and sprayed after thorough mixing. Theapplication example is as follows:

Prevention targetAgentAgent dosage/barrelTmax dosage/muApplication of method
Weedin corn field4%nicosulfuron OF2/3of normal dose45ml-75mlMixingbefore using. After dilution as per the recommended amount of pesticide, addthe synergist into the spray liquid barrel as per 0.3%-0.5% of the synergist,and spray after mixing it with the pesticide liquid uniformly.
550g/LMesotrione·atrazin SC2/3of normal dose45ml-75ml
Rice-stem borer and tryporyza incertulas20%triazophos ECNormal45ml-75ml
20%Chlorantraniliprole SCNormal45ml-75ml
5%emamectin benzoate WDGNormal45ml-75ml
Citrusred mite1.8%abamectin ECNormal45ml-75ml
240g/Lspirodiclofen SCNormal45ml-75ml
Sigatoka25%propiconazole ECNormal45ml-75ml


1. The producthas no weeding or insecticidal action if use separately and can achieve thesynergism if mixed with pesticide.

2. The productis sprayed in low capacity, 100L/hm2 for the best. Since the synergist isrelated with the water consumption during spraying, low spraying amount canreduce the agent dosage and improve the weeding effect.

3. During dryweather, the dosage of herbicide should be based on the recommended amount;under normal weather conditions, the dosage of herbicide can be reduced to 2/3of the recommended dosage.

4. The productis natural source substance, few educt will be generated under low temperature,but it does not affect the use. Storage and transportation: stored in dry andventilated place and far away from the children. The product is non-toxic,non-inflammable and anti-corrosion, so it can be transported as generalchemicals. However, the product should not be stored and transported with food,grains and fodder together.

Package, storageand transportation:

The product isin 200L package, stored in cool, ventilated and dry place and transported asnon-hazardous chemicals.
